When it comes to YEIDA Plots it is needful for all the owners to get the completion done within three years from the due date of registry & five years of the allotment which ever is later.
If you see your future home in YEIDA City then it makes more sense for you to make structure as per the future planning considering Architectural drawings.
It hardly makes any major difference for anyone to make just ground floor or make foundation that may support stilt parking & furthur floors. one can also plan the construction in multiple stages.
But if you are an investor & still waiting for better deals getting completion makes more sense for you. This way not only you can get maximum value for the plot that you may trade but also you will get value on the completion.
We at Shahwalia Architects provide Full architecture services & Construction services for the plots in YEIDA city. If you still need further help you can get in touch with one of our designers & we will help you with all your needs.